Tuesday, November 1, 2011

3rd Ave. That's the good stuff

Finally got a really good session in at 3rd Ave. as the season is winding down.  For some reason the wind sensor in the channel went offline right when the wind peak but I was sailing right next to it and was completely lit on my 5.8 100L board setup.  When I first went out I was perfect but man did the wind freshened up.  Rather than rigging another sail I de-powered the 5.8 as much as possible and hung on.  The best combo for the day once the wind picked up probably would have been 5.0 85L but I didn't bring a smaller board and wanted to maximize my time on the water.  Of course today I brought the small board and the wind didn't come in at all... why do the wind gods always play these cruel and unusual tricks on us?

3rd Ave. is an amazing spot that creates a natural playground whether you or using a kite or sail.  Near the shore there are some flat spots and plenty of small chop that is close together and better suited for kitting.  As you sail further out the wind really kicks up and the chop turns into swell that you can play around with.  At this point in the season the wind doesn't pick up until later in the day and I can only imagine what the swell is like during the peak of the season.

All of the technical details aside I was really happy to get a good day in the resembled the natural breeze of San Francisco Bay.  There was a moment when I was sailing that I finally felt like my ship had landed and I was no longer an east-coast transplant but someone who found themselves at home on the west coast.

My day wasn't as epic as this one but the video shows some of the best conditions you can get at "Turd".

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